Oculus goes to Light + Building 2016 in Frankfurt!
Oculus Principals Archit and Scott are back from their trip to Frankfurt, Germany for the 2016 Light + Building Exhibition. The show is one of the largest on the planet, encompassing almost 6 million SF of floor space to show the latest and greatest in lighting technology from over 2,500 vendors from all over the world. Of particular note were the many advances in smart technology dedicated to improving the way that humans interact with light in their everyday lives; a concept perhaps best demonstrated by the CoeLux Skylight that “reproduces the physical effects and optical phenomena of natural light in indoor architecture”.
Overall it was a quick but informative 4 day experience full of new ideas and artistic inspiration. Archit and Scott would like to thank Performance Lighting for sponsoring the trip and invite you to check out some of the photos below!
- Inside Panorama of the Showfloor, Light + Building
- View looking into the CoeLux® Skylight
- Decorative Pendant Lights , Light + Building
- Projected words highlight architectural elements at The St. Katharinenkirche at the Hauptwache, Luminale
- Programmable moving patterns lead visitors down a hall at the Phillips Stage
- Textured Hanging Lights, Light + Building